Episode V
Santa Maria degli Angeli
在Repubblic Square廣場的中心有一所很漂亮的教堂。它被稱為Santa Maria degli Angeli。
here is a very beautiful basilica in the centre of Repubblic Square. It’s called the Santa Maria degli Angeli.
You can’t imagine how beautiful the the interior of the basilica is because the outside is so non-descript
You can’t imagine how beautiful the the interior of the basilica is because the outside is so non-descript
and its not until you walk in that you realize just how magnificent the wall paintings and architecture is...
[ pic. 1 ]
Santa Maria degli Angeli basilica
[ pic. 2 ]
Santa Maria degli Angeli basilica
[ pix. 3 & 4 ]
The interior of Santa Maria degli Angeli
[ pic. 5 ]
The interior of Santa Maria degli Angeli
[ pic. 6 ]
The domed ceiling of Santa Maria degli Angeli
[ pic. 7 ]
Beautiful floor of Santa Maria degli Angeli
[ pix. 8 & 9 ]
Grand and magnificent interior
[ pic. 10 ]
Grand and magnificent interior
[ pic. 11 ]
Grand and magnificent interior of Santa Maria degli Angeli
[ pic. 12 ]
Beautiful statue of Santa Maria degli Angeli
[ pic. 13 ]
Beautiful statue of Santa Maria degli Angeli
[ pix. 14 & 15 ]
Beautiful statues of Santa Maria degli Angeli
[ pix. 16 & 17 ]
Nice natural lighting inside
[ pic. 18 ]
Beautiful ceiling
[ pic. 19 ]
Beautiful paintings
[ pic. 20 ]
Beautiful paintings and ceiling
[ pix. 21 & 22 ]
Paintings and statue
[ pic. 23 ]
Details of the ceiling
[ pic. 24 ]
The signs of the zodiac
[ pic. 25 ]
The signs of the zodiac
[ pix. 26 & 27 ]
Beautiful paintings
[ pix. 28 & 29 ]
The interior of Santa Maria degli Angeli
[ pic. 30 ]
Grand and beautiful interior of Santa Maria degli Angeli
[ pic. 31 ]
The interior of Santa Maria degli Angeli
[ pic. 32 ]
[ pix. 33 & 34 ]
對啦... 喜歡PIC. 7
多謝San哥哥欣賞照片, 羅馬的確是藝術之都,
You are right, I can't picture the beautiful interior from the exterior. The two sculptures on the door looks very interesting though..
ReplyDeleteI like pix.33 :) Nice!
ReplyDeleteTo micki,
ReplyDeleteYeah, I was so surprise with the interior of this basilica,
I consider Santa Maria degli Angeli is the third most beautiful church in Rome,
the next two will be coming on my next posts! ^.^
To uLi,
ReplyDeleteThanks, cadle light is one of my favorite thing for shoot! ^.^
個教堂連門口個設計都好有心思 :p
ReplyDelete係呀, 其實羅馬到處都係大師級藝術家的傑作!
ReplyDelete不得了啦, 我個心飄左去羅馬啦....點算好呀.......
ReplyDeleteTo maymay,
ReplyDelete解決方法只得一個, 訂機票同酒店... @_@
多謝叻叻都勁喜歡! 用魚眼影圓頂真係好靚! ^.^
ReplyDeletePic 7 looks so wide with your wide-angle cum fisheye lens :o)
ReplyDeleteThanks Ai Shiang, fisheye lens is really good
ReplyDeletefor landscape and interior shots! ^.^
Ann Ann 妳好呀! 我最近都好好呀, 去完旅行回來已經重新投入工作...
ReplyDelete妳要休BLOG至7月? 一定係有重大人生大計, 祝妳事事順利呀!
我的藝術之路還會繼續的, 我相信只要努力一定會成功! ^.^
The beauty of travelling to Europe is being able to view remarkable architecture.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with you Mei Teng, it's an awesome experience! ^.^
多謝魚仔欣賞, pic.34的雕塑的確好特別,
ReplyDelete手的一端會發出紫色光, 而且連著一架大機械,
When I was in that particular cathedral, sunlight beamed through the dome and indicated the time on the zodiac sundial.
ReplyDeleteIt's really beautiful to see light from the dome.
Feels like those cherubs came to life right before your eyes!
RE: 4 and Brollies / 4和雨伞 / 4 dan Payung / 4と傘
Ha ha... I wished too!
RE: Cream tea in Somerset / 萨默塞特郡的奶油点心 / Teh krim di Somerset / サマセット州のクリームティー
I am sure if I will like the chilli flavour though.
Have you tried chilli flavoured chocolate?
It's a bit weird to my taste! Ha ha... my taste buds are quite conservative?!
Thanks London caller, I didn't get the strong sunlight when I visited there...
ReplyDeletewill be amazing when the sunlight come from the dome,
I think the best time to go there is midday!
Chilli flavoured chocolate?! @_@
I would like to try, but may not like it I think...
so weso well captured!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Big Boys Oven! ^.^
ReplyDeletehow are U???
ReplyDeleteHi may may! I'm fine, only a bit lazy to write a new post...
ReplyDeleteTo michael,
ReplyDelete多謝你的欣賞和留言, 歐洲的美景真係好吸引,
希望可以快點有機會再去玩! ^.^
ReplyDeleteThanks Meloching, Santa Maria degli Angeli 真的很宏偉, 令我印像好深刻!