因為一套獲獎電影 “歲月神偷”令好多人都認識了永利街,
這裡是該電影的拍攝地點, 一個充滿70年代舊香港味道的小街。
從上環碼頭往禧利街方向, 步行15分鐘左右就可到達永利街,
由樓梯街步行上永利街是一條長長的石級, 有點像澳門一些石級小街,
感覺很特別。其間會經過麼羅上街, 一個賣中式紀念品的地方,
這條街也很有特色, 十分值得參觀, 之後會到文武廟, 再上石級就會到達永利街。
這一帶給我的感覺就是進入了過去的香港, 成市裡的一個大博物館,
所以永利街等小街道的建築真是值得保留的, 因為這裡最能代表香港過去的文化和回憶!
Many people were awared of the Wing Lee Street because of a award-winning movie "Echoes of the Rainbow".
Here is the film location, a full of 70's Hong Kong street characteristic. From the Sheung Wan Ferry Pier,
on the way of Hillier Street, walk about 15 minutes you can reach to the Wing Lee Street.
Walking on the stairs of Ladder Street to Wing Lee Street is a long rock steps,
it's a bit like the rock steps in some side streets of Macau, its make me feel very special.
Here is a Upper Lascar Row through the streets during our destination, a place to sell Chinese souvenirs,
this street is also quite distinctive, and well worth for visiting. Followed the steps to the Man Mo Temple,
and then climb the stairs will arrive to the Wing Lee Street.
This area gives me the feeling like going to the past of Hong Kong, like a large museum in the city.
So, these old buildings of Wing Lee Street and other small streets are really worth to preserve its,
because this is the best representative of the Hong Kong past culture and memories!
pix. 1 & 2
永利街 Wing Lee Street