MJ Gallery Macau
Here are some pictures I took at the Michael Jackson Gallery in Macau.
The gallery is dedicated to all MJ fans and of course I'm one of them.
The gallery is dedicated to all MJ fans and of course I'm one of them.

pix. 1 & 2
pic. 3
pix. 4 & 5
pix. 6 & 7
pix. 8 & 9
pic. 10
pic. 11
pic. 12
pix. 13 & 14
pic. 15
pix. 16 & 17
pic. 18
pic. 19
pix. 20 & 21
pix. 22 & 23
pic. 24
pix. 25 & 26
pix. 27 & 28
pix. 29 & 30
There was a special exhibition about Michael Jackson at O2 Arena in London.
ReplyDeleteO2 Arena was the venue where he was supposed to have his That Is It in London last year before his death.
The MJ Gallery that you saw in Macao was so good, I wonder whether it's the same exhibition after London's O2 Arena.
I went to see Thriller (theatre) last year. It was really good!
The MJ Gallery in Macau isn't really big,
ReplyDeletebut I think it is permanently installed in the Casino Ponte 16.
I think you're one of his fan too,
I really like his performance...
真呀Kay, 相信係音樂同舞蹈上好難再人可以有同樣成就,
ReplyDelete其實我覺得佢初出道時最有型, 不過後來真係越整越怪,
所以天然就係最美了, 就算老左都唔會太醜樣啦...
Q 版 figure 好得意 ^.^
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful and special place and a post from you to remember the king of pop!
ReplyDelete係呀JC, 有好多MJ造型真係好得意, 可惜唔知邊度有得賣...
ReplyDeleteThanks micki, yeah I will always remember MJ the king of pop!
ReplyDeleteyes..the king of pop..we all miss him..good job rafael..
ReplyDeleteThanks man, his music are forever in our memories!
ReplyDeleteMJ Gallery looks nicer under ur camera lenses ^ - ^
ReplyDeleteThanks Ristinw, I'm glad you like my pictures! ^.^
明哥拍得好好喔! 19 ~ 25 都好特別
係呀San哥哥, MJ珍品廊係16浦入面, 其實場館唔係好大,
ReplyDelete不過影相效果就會好特別, 因為都有好多特別的燈光!
Wah, nice and interesting MJ gallery =) If I go Macau, sure I will pay a visit there...
ReplyDeleteThanks uLi, you can also have a nice meal in
ReplyDeleteSofitel when you visit MJ Gallery in Macau! ^.^
This gallery must be a must visit for MJ fans.
ReplyDeleteSensational series of photos with the models.
ReplyDelete多謝魚仔欣賞照片, 其實MJ珍品廊唔算好大, 不過入面既燈光效果拍照會幾靚,
ReplyDelete我都好鍾意MJ造型公仔! ^.^
Thanks Mei Teng! I agree with you, this
ReplyDeleteMJ Gallery is must visit place for MJ fans!
Thanks tossan, I'm glad that you appreciate so much for my pictures! ^.^
ReplyDeleteDORIS: 睇你d相, 靚過自己去現場睇,但你點解吾影Billy Jean個塲境o既???
ReplyDelete多謝DORIS來留言呀, Billy Jean 場景我都有影,
ReplyDelete不過太多玻璃反光, 所以有揀到D相出黎...