故宮的夕陽 A sunset in the Forbidden City

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明十三陵 – 這是於皇帝成祖朱棣和皇后徐氏的合葬陵寢。他們就埋葬在此。
當你走時,你要說,“我回來了! ”。如果你不這樣做,

Ming Tombs – The tombs are mausoleums belonging to Emperor and Empress Xu Zu Zhu Di.
It’s where they’re buried. I have often heard that it is customary among the Chinese,
that when entering a tomb, you to need say "Here I come!” When you exit, you say,
 "I'm back! ". If you don’t, your soul won’t come back to you- it remains in the tomb.
 A bit scary if you ask me, so I didn’t spend too long here!

[ pix. 1 & 2 ]

明十三陵 Ming Tombs

北京的藝術 Art of Beijing

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798藝術區 - 我從一本雜誌看到這個地方,然後我做了一些關於它的研究,

798 Art Zone – I read about this place in a magazine and then I did a bit of research about it,
gathering more information from the Internet. Originally the place was a radio equipment factory.
 The construction is mostly done in an East Germany Bauhaus style.
Now, it’s become a concentration of Beijing’s artists. I find the layout of the place really attractive
 and interesting. After arriving, I had a delicious lunch and then walked around,
scouring through a wide variety of art shops showcasing the different works each shop had on display.
 After this I found a Kiwi café serving up good wholesome Kiwi food and I found the atmosphere in the café,
 really comfortable and friendly. Apparently the owner had a café in NZ and he wanted to share that
 ambience with the locals. I really didn’t expect 798 to be like this. The whole set up was really quite unique!

[ pix. 1 & 2 ]

北京的回憶 Beijing memories

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無論如何對我來說都是很難忘 - 北京。
但我並沒有真正作出努力行動。直至這一刻 ...



On the 27th of December 2008 I had finally arrived at a very important travel destination,
 unforgettable for me anyway – Beijing.
Perhaps the Chinese saying “You’re not a hero if you haven’t been to the Great Wall”,
 made me feel guilty because I had been traveling all over Asia but I never quite made it to Beijing.
 I’ve always wanted to come but I just hadn’t really made the effort to come. Until now…

In recent years and in some part, because of the Olympic games,
this ancient city has gone through some major transformations
and it’s become a very modern and attractive city!

In Beijing there are lots of attractions, both ancient and modern and
 each of these places have left lasting impressions and they evoked strong feelings within me.
 I hope to portray these feelings in my photos and share them with you all.
 Because there are many attractions in Beijing, I can only show the places I wanted to visit
and these are my ‘photo-stories’ of those places.

天壇 - 這是我見過最美麗的中國建築。

The Temple of Heaven – This is the most beautiful piece of Chinese architecture that I’ve ever seen.
 I have always wanted to take pictures here.
The Temple of Heaven is a symbolic representation of Chinese architecture.
 All the pictures I took here show this symbolic building framed by the brilliant blue winter sky.

[ pix. 1 & 2 ]

天壇 Temple of Heaven

長洲的夕陽 A Cheung Chau Sunset

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上週六 1月16日,天氣晴朗,但有點冷。這是外出散步和拍照的最佳天氣!
我到香港中環的渡輪碼頭,30分鐘的船程,目的地 - 長洲。


但一直怕太多人和炎熱 ...也許我會在今年去看看...


在這裡有一個身型相當巨大的老年婦女,她的樣子很有趣,她在賣她的蝦米 (蝦乾)。
她喊叫“買啦! 買啦! 可以平D架!”,真的很有趣!


On Saturday the 16th of January, the weather was sunny but cool. It was perfect weather to go out
 for a walk in and, to take pictures! I went to Hong Kong Central ferry pier,
 for a 30-minute ferry ride, destination, Cheung Chau.

On that day the sky was a rare blue and a bit hazy, but the Kowloon and
Central scenery from the ferry, was still quite beautiful. Many of the passengers were
 soaking up the views and taking lots of photos.

Cheung Chau ferry pier is always so busy! I can’t imagine how busy it must be in summer and
 during the Bun Festival. I want to come to see the parade drifting along the crowded streets.
I have wanted to attend the parade for many years now, but I’ve been too scared of the huge crowds
 and the usual hot temperatures…so maybe I’ll do it this year…

From the pier, to the left is a beautiful beach, and walking to the right is the harbor walkway and
 Cheung Po Tsai cave. On the walkway there are many good places to see the sunset.
I remembered my first visit to Cheung Po Tsai cave. When I entered the cave, it was really dark inside
 and I had fun feeling my way through. If you go to Cheung Chau,
I recommend you visit the cave but take a small flashlight.

When walking along the harbor walkway you will see many seafood restaurants and
 a number of fishermen drying and preparing their seafood. There’s a rather large older woman,
 she looks so funny and she’s selling her dried shrimp. She shouts out (in Cantonese of course)
something to the effect of “Buy some and it can be cheaper!” it’s really interesting!
Next time I will take a photo of her and buy some of her dried shrimp!

By 6pm, already you can see a spectacular sunset take shape! A large and bright salted egg yolk sun
 has attracted lots of visitors, taking pictures. After we photographed the beautiful sunset,
 we went to eat a seafood dinner (which has to be another must do on Cheung Chau!),
although this time, the price was a tad higher than last time, but the food was good and
 well worth it AND it’s still cheaper than Lamma Island. Because the ferry runs through the night,
 we enjoy our meal and soak in the nightlife on the island. I used the fisheyes lens to take my photos and
 I’m glad I did! I’m very satisfied with the pictures I took! What do you think?


香港中環的渡輪碼頭,30分鐘的船程,目的地 - 長洲
 Hong Kong Central ferry pier, for a 30-minute ferry ride, destination, Cheung Chau

沙巴的海島 Sabah Islands

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珊瑚島(Coral Island)。那裡也是陽光充沛,美麗的海灘,

If you come to Sabah of course you can’t miss the experience of the sunshine and the beach.
 The pier in Sabah Town Centre is where you can go to the islands to experience the sun and beach.

Here you can get speedboats to go out to the islands. The main island is the big island, Manukan,
 and the other islands are Sapi and Sulu. There are other islands to visit but these are the main ones.

Our boat’s first stop was Sulu where families got off with their picnic baskets to spend the day.
 My first stop was Sapi, where I had my barbeque lunch,
which consisted of fish, crabs, shrimp and chicken wings.

There were lots of lizards strolling around the island,
with visitors feeding them their food scraps and taking pictures with them.

The water here was so clear and it reminded me of the coral Island of Langkawi
 that I visited a few years earlier. That also had brilliant sunny days and beautiful beaches,
I recommend that people visit here to enjoy the sunshine and the beaches too!

乘快艇出海島  Speedboats to go out to the islands

沙巴的森林和沼澤 Sabah Forest and Marshland (HDR)

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On this day we booked in to the hotel and we did a marshland and riverboat tour,
to see three kinds of monkeys indigenous to Sabah, fireflies and Sabah’s natural scenery.

The tour was a two and a half hour drive from the hotel and when we finally arrived at the marsh.
We then took a boat tour, which took about 1 hour, and we saw various wildlife,
the monkeys and water buffalo. After the tour, we had dinner and we then returned to the hotel.
The trip started at 2.30pm and we finally finished the tour at around 9pm. It was a long day.

The river and the forest reminded me of the movie “Avatar”, we had just recently seen.
The scenery and natural environment was great. It was also fascinating listening to all the different
sounds in the marshlands - birds, insects, monkeys and the other wildlife there.
It was very tranquil and it made me realize that we need to protect
and maintain the natural ecological environment of the area.

Sabah is definitely a nature lover’s paradise. On our journey back to the hotel
and not far from the swamp, we saw a tree lit up by fireflies!
It literally looked like a Christmas tree with lights and this was very fascinating.
Natures own Christmas tree, it was quite amazing!

沙巴的市中心 Sabah Town Centre

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這次來到沙巴的市中心, 距離Philipino Market步行大約5分鐘就是市中心的海港,

在這裡可以看到一個海豚石雕, 在附近的十字路圓形地有一座劍魚雕像,

也是沙巴拍攝日落的最佳地點, 在這裡看海吹風真是很舒服的!

由海港步行大約15分鐘就是Sunday Market, 但注意它在中午1時半就會完結,

在市中心商場酒店林立, 飲食購物都十分方便, 距離海港步行10分鐘左右就是碼頭,

這個碼頭就是出海島遊玩的地方, 這裡泊滿了快艇, 也有餐廳和咖啡室。

注意買出海島的船票, 要另外多付一個tax fee,

購票處在碼頭入口,  如果忙了付tax fee就要多行一次了!

先看看沙巴市中心的風景, 之後再給大家看看海島遊的照片吧!

Firstly we went to the Sabah Town centre and from here we then proceeded to the Philippine Market,
which is about a 5-minute walk from the harbor. From here you can see a stone dolphin
 and near the crossroads, there is a statue of a swordfish.

This is also the best place to shoot the Sabah sunset as you get a good view of the sea,
and the wind is quite refreshing! Approximately 15 minutes walk from the harbor is the Sunday Market,
but go early because it closes at 1:30pm.
In the Town Centre there are hotels and shopping malls. Eating and shopping here is very convenient.

There is a pier about 10 minutes from the dolphin and swordfish statues.
From this pier, you can travel to the off shore islands and there are many boats to choose from.
The islands offer an array of water activities that you can participate in
and there are lots of restaurants for you to choose from. Please note that besides paying for tickets
 to travel to the islands, you also need to pay a pier tax fee, which you can pay for at the pier entrance.

Take a look at my pictures of the Sabah Town Centre. I will share the island pictures later!


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