新馬路(Avenida Almeida Ribeiro)議事亭前地(Largo do Senado)是澳門的地標,
因此在這裡經常人山人海, 而且有很多活動擺設和節日裝飾。
其實我覺得最簡單的新馬路是最漂亮的, 在夏天的時候這裡會有少量荷花擺設,
因為我工作的地方就在新馬路附近, 每年6至7月份都會見到很多人在這裡影荷花。
所以我會都提早上班, 順道在新馬路議事亭前地拍照, 早上的新馬路陽光普照,
天色非常之漂亮, 而且早上荷花開得特別靚, 加上行人不多, 可以慢慢享受拍攝的樂趣。
這在裡種分享這兩年我在新馬路拍到的荷花, 希望大家會喜歡!
Senado Square of Avenue Almeida Ribeiro is the landmark of Macau, so often have huge crowds here,
furthermore here have many activities setting and holiday decorations. In fact, I think the simplest is the most
beautiful, here in the summer will have some lotus decorations, in the summer here is even more beautiful!
Because I work nearby Avenue Almeida Ribeiro, I saw many people were shooting the lotus here around
June and July. I had to go work earlier, to get the opportunity for taking pictures in Senado Square,
in the sunny morning, the sky was very beautiful, and the lotus bloom especially pretty in the morning,
with few pedestrians, you can enjoy the fun of shooting . Here are the lotus pictures I took in the passed
two years, I want to share with you all, I hope everybody like it!
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