每年的9月澳門都會舉行國際煙花比賽匯演, 共分四星期, 於每個星期六、
中秋節及十月一日進行, 這是世界享負盛名的國際煙花比賽, 共有十支國際隊伍競逐,
一年一度的煙花比賽匯演, 不單吸引了大批遊客觀賞, 還有一班攝影發燒友,
每年都會一早到達各個最佳的拍攝地點, 為的當然是拍得心中滿意的作品。
拍攝煙花是有一定難度的, 要拍到好的作品絕不容易, 所以要多拍幾次才會成功,
到場後先快快拍攝幾張, 把光圈和快門調好後, 就不斷拍攝, 最後才從中選擇吧!
這些是我在中秋節(九月十二日)拍攝的煙花照片, 希望大家喜歡!
Every September Macau International Fireworks Display Competition will be divided
into four weeks, and during each Saturday, the Mid-Autumn Festival and 1st of October.
This is the world's most prestigious international fireworks competition.
A total of ten international teams, from the Philippines, South Korea, Australia, Thailand,
Portugal, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Japan, China, Switzerland will compete.
Each possessing their own unique characteristics, so many different types of fireworks will be shown.
The show held during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, are dazzling fireworks displays.
The viewers can also share in the joy of the festive season. The annual Fireworks Display Competition
always attracts a large number of tourists. Many appreciate the shows and there is a group
of photographers who come every year to get the best location for shooting photos.
Of course, everyone wants to take their best photography shots but taking fireworks pictures
are difficult, so you need to take many pictures to get the best shots.
This is a good opportunity for me to take fireworks pictures.
My experience is to shoot fast, get the scene quickly and shoot more shots,
first eetting and tuning for the best aperture and shutter, next you keep shooting, and finally choose it!
These are my Mid-Autumn Festival (12th of September) fireworks photos, I hope you like them!
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