Telenoika.Net錄像藝術團:Omar Alvarez, Miquel Arregui, Sergi Casero,
Miguel Gozalbo, Eloi Maduell, Santi Vilanova
Audiovisual Mapping by Telenoika Audiovisual Open Creative Community
(http://www.telenoika.net/) is video projection with originally composed music,
using sophisticated creative technology to design and display video
images on the contours of a building’s facade.
These projections, using cinematography and storytelling techniques,
create stories that imaginatively explore the historic depth and the
cultural heritage of a building’s specific locale.
Encounters retells stories of times past while simultaneously drawing
attention to the current remnants of an iconic facade.
Telenoika.Net: Omar Alvarez, Miquel Arregui, Sergi Casero,
Miguel Gozalbo, Eloi Maduell and Santi Vilanova